
Showing posts from October, 2023

Oct. 30th Homework

 What are thinking traps? Select 1 of the thinking traps listed below, write 3-5 sentences (docs or hard copy) about a time you have fallen into one of the traps and how you would change the thinking pattern

Science project update

 Happy Friday all,  A due date for the invasive species posters has been established: done by Thursday, Oct 26th The rubric  has been added to the common document that all the students have access to: 

Update for the week (Oct. 16-20)

 Hi all, Letting you know that we've been working on our first science project for about a week: invasive species posters!  There is no due date yet, but I will post as soon as we agree on a fair date.  The link offers all info necessary for completing the project (checklist and steps on 2nd page), rubric to come soon!

Info for the weekend (Oct. 13th)

Classmate Biography's Due date: Monday Oct 16th All necessary information above!