Language Arts

Dec. (Week 12-15)

Short story project (all info in doc):

Practicing use of character, setting, and conflict (external vs. internal), using dialogue, and similes (figurative language)

Plot diagram: 

Nov. (Week 9-12)

Use of quotation marks

Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl

Plot Diagram/Mountain: exposition (setting & character), rising action, climax, falling action, resolution

Oct. 30-Nov.4 (Week 9)

The Tell-Tale Heart Trial

-assigned to either the prosecution or the defense

-analyzing texts and using evidence-based arguments

Task instructions:

Halloween/Spirit week-based activities (Week 8)

 Oct. 16-20 (Week 7)

Edgar Allan Poe & The Tell-Tale Heart

-features of short stories

-reading comprehension strategies: previewing and predicting, re-reading

Oct. 2-13 (Week 5/6)

Classmate biographies:

All info-

Sept. 25-29 (Week 4)

Language Arts workbook (grammar)- intensive and reflexive pronouns

Topic sentences- identifying and composing

Stretch-a-sentence- Using W5H to expand given sentences

Parts of speech- walking tour search and sort

Sept. 18-22 (Week 3)

Language Arts workbook (grammar)- possessive pronouns (pl. and sing.)

S.M.A.R.T Goals 


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