
Dec. (Week 12-15)

Traditional Incan bridge, Q'eswachaka

Structural safety, Hyatt-Regency Hotel 



Structures project 

Nov. (Week 9-12)

Unit 2: Structures- Form and Function

Types of Bridges


External & Internal Forces worksheet

Types of Structures

Tour of class to identify  

Oct. 13-31 ( 7/8)

Traditional Ecological Knowledge & Sustainability worksheet

Oct. 2-13 (Week 5/6) 

Invasive species

-effects of invasive species on the environment

-Emerald Ash Borer 

-starting research for invasive species assignment (link below)

Sept. 25-29 (Week 4)

Primary & secondary succession

-natural vs man-made changes to the environment

vocab: pioneer species and climax communities

Sept. 18-22 (Week 3)

Food chains & webs

-review Week 2 information

-how changes in a food chain/web affect the rest of the ecosystem

vocab: extinct, food webs, food chains, 

Sept. 11-15 (Week 2) 

Intro to Life Systems (living things)

-refreshing memory on differences between ecosystems vs habitats

-meaning of "Biotic" and "Abiotic"

-providing examples of each 

vocab: organisms, biotic, abiotic, ecosystem, habitat, producers, consumers, decomposers

Ecosystems intro pwpt


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